Wenle Zhao
Medical University of South Carolina, USA
Dr. Wenle Zhao is a professor in biostatistics at the Department of Public Health Science in the Medical University of South Carolina, USA. He has published several randomization algorithms, including the Block Urn Design as better alternative to permuted block design to enhance allocation randomness, the Minimal Sufficient Balance method as better alternative to the Minimization method to control imbalances in multiple baseline covariates, the Step-forward Randomization for emergency treatment trials, the Mass-weighted Urn Design to accurately target unequal allocations in response-adaptive trials, the Asymptotic Maximal Procedure for small trials intended to use randomization tests. These randomization designs have been implemented in many trials, including those in the Stroke Trials Network (StrokeNet) and Neurological Emergencies Treatment Trials (NETT) network, both funded by NIH
Abstract : Implementation of advanced subject randomization algorithms in complex clinical trials