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Rahul R Panchal

Rahul R Panchal

Leonine Technologies Inc., USA


Rahul R. Panchal has completed his M.S. (2005) and PhD (2009) in plastics Engineering and Polymer Science from University of Massachusetts, Lowell. He has B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Gujarat University, India (1998). He has extensive background and expertise in medical device design & manufacturing, polymer injection molding, statistics, multivariate analysis, in-mold sensing technology etc. He is an inventor of the patented in-mold sensor having the capability to measure in-mold shrinkage realtime. He currently works at AbbVie as a Principle Scientist Engineering, Combination Products and transitioning into entrepreneurship. He is also founder and president of Leonine Technologies Inc. which mainly focused on new technology development for injection molding, medical device, as well as training and consultation.



Abstract : Self administrative drug delivery devices made with plastics material – market potential, customer discovery, challenges, manufacturing, and business model