Jasser Ali S Alzhrani
King Saud Medical City, Saudi Arabia
Title: Clinical Research in Arabian Peninsula from ClinicalTrials.gov
Biography: Jasser Ali S Alzhrani
The ClinicalTrials.gov web site supply an appropriate link to look up any study results, however quantitative analyses’ format cannot be downloaded. Thus the purpose is to directly download study results from this web site and provides a link to retrieve all of the results in a sheet format in order to be analyzed properly and by analyzing them, then we describe the clinical trial activity in the Arabian Peninsula. An expert validated the outcome classification algorithms that we used in this against classification. We created databases of the study results ready for analysis by identifying the studies by intervention, population, or outcome of interest. However, this study is simply based upon the information that is in ClinicalTrials.gov. Therefore, our conclusion is that expanding the usefulness of the ClinicalTrials.gov registry by having a database ready for analysis. The benefit from doing this is increases the speed of comparative research.